Using Texty Pro

How to add your business hours

You can enable automatic reply to all messages that you receive during off hours. Before you can enable after business hours auto reply, you’ll have to enter your hours of operations.

You can enable an automatic reply to all messages that you receive during off hours by adding your business hours. Before you can enable after hours auto reply, you’ll have to enter your hours of operations. Please note that only the primary account owner can set the business hours.

Set up your business hours 

1. Log in to Texty Pro web app

Go to to log in to the Texty Pro web app.

2. Go to Settings

Click on the Settings (gear icon) from the navigation bar on the left column

3. Click on Workplace Information

4. Scroll Down to Business Hours

  1. To indicate the days that you are open, click on the empty checkboxes next to an open day of the week.
  2. Click Opening Time and select a time. Repeat with Closing Time.
  3. Deselected checkboxes indicate the days that you are closed. The x next to each day clears the hours. The + adds another time frame.
  4. Changes will be automatically saved.

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